Department Details :

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (FMT) was started in the year 2004 under the guidance of great academician Dr. V. L. Deshpande sir and Dr Sandeep Kadu sir CEO MUHS Nashik
Dr. Vijay B Patil joined as Head of Department from 1/7/2022 & he is also Deputy Dean (Administration) at DVVPF Medical College, Ahmednagar. He has worked as Medical Director at Shri Saibaba sansthan Hospitals, Shirdi and also Dean at ACPM Medical College, Dhule
Our Dept. is the first in Maharashtra to be recognized for Ph.D course by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik & Dr. Vijay B Patil is recognized PhD Guide.   
Our Department motto is “Justice to Innocent Soul”. Forensic Medicine department mainly emphasize on ethical academic activities and Medico legal guidance to UG, PG students, Alumni members, Medical Officers, Police, and Advocates etc.

“Excellence in Medicolegal Knowledge and Skills to aid in the administration of Justice and Helping in maintaining law and order”
1.Development of Ethical and Humanistic attitude in INDIAN MEDICAL GRADUATES (IMG) by emphasizing importance of Ethics and Professionalism in medical practice. 
2.To make effort for upgradation of knowledge and skill in Forensic Medicine subject. 
3.Mainly focusing on affective domain of undergraduate student on bioethical aspect of Medical practice. 
4.Identify and define the existing as well as future Medico-legal problems as they emerge in the community and work to resolve such problems by planning, implementing, evaluating and modulating Medico-legal services.
5.To make teaching and learning more pleasant, effective & interesting by using different techniques like Moot-Court and showing Cinema Clips etc.
6.To generate quality research in the subject.

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