Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects |
1 |
1.1.1 |
Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee |
2 |
1.3.1 |
List of the courses with descriptions that integrate cross cutting issues |
3 |
1.4.1 |
Feedback Report |
Criterion 2 – Teaching-Learning and Evaluation |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
2.2.3 |
Appropriate Documentary evidence |
2 |
2.2.3 A |
ICT enable tools |
3 |
2.3.3 B |
Teaching list used ICT tools |
4 |
2.3.3 C |
Webpage describing LMS |
5 |
2.3.5 |
Appropriate documentary evidence |
6 |
2.5.1 A |
Yearly Academic Calendar |
7 |
2.5.1 B |
Dates of internal assessment |
8 |
2.5.3 |
A Information on exam reforms |
9 |
2.6.1 A |
Relevant documents pertaining to outcome UPDATE 2024 08 22 |
10 |
2.6.1 B |
Method of assessment revised |
11 |
2.6.1 C |
Course Exit Survey 2023-24 CHECK |
12 |
2.6.3 |
programmne specific learning outcome |
13 |
2.6.4 |
link Any other SOP |
14 |
2.6.4 A |
Proceedings of parent-teachers meetings held during the year |
Criterion 3 – Research, Innovations and Extension |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
3.2.1 |
Details of the facilities and innovations made |
2 |
3.4.3 A |
List of awards for extension activities in the year 2023-2024 |
3 |
3.4.3 B |
e-copies of the awards letters |
4 |
3.4.4 |
Details of Institutional Social responsibility activities during the year |
Criterion 4 – Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
4.1.1 A |
List of avilable teaching learning facilities |
2 |
4.1.1 B |
Geotagged Photographs Teaching Facilities |
3 |
4.1.2 A |
List of available sports and cultural facilities |
4 |
4.1.2 B |
Geotagged Photos Sports 2024 |
5 |
4.1.2. C |
Any other- Area of sports complex facilities |
6 |
4.1.3 |
Geo tagged photograph of Campus Facilities |
7 |
4.2.1. B |
List of Facilities Available |
8 |
4.2.1.A |
Geotag Photos Teaching Hospital |
9 |
4.2.2 A |
10 |
4.3.1 A |
Geotag Laibrary facilities |
11 |
4.3.2 A |
Library books |
12 |
4.3.2 B |
Geotagg Library ambience |
13 |
4.3.5 A |
Library Utilization |
14 |
4.3.5 B |
learner session on usage of all library facilities For UG & PG 2023-24 |
15 |
4 4.2 A |
IT upgradation 2023-24 |
16 |
4.5.2 A |
Maintenance minutes of meeting |
17 |
4.5.2 B |
Records |
Criterion 5 – Student Support and Progression |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
5.1.2 |
Capability enhancement |
2 |
5.1.3 |
Training and guidance for competitive examinations |
3 |
5.1.4 |
Web link |
4 |
5.1.5 |
Anti ragging Minutes |
5 |
5.3.2 |
Reports of student council activity W. L |
6 |
5.4.1 A |
Alumni registration |
7 |
5.4.1 B |
QlM 5.4.1 Alumnia Activity Report |
8 |
5.4.1 C |
Minutes of Alumni Meeting |
9 |
5.4.1 D |
Quantum of Contribution |
10 |
5.4.1 E |
Alumni Audit Report 2023-2024 |
Criterion 6 – Governance, Leadership and Management |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
6.1.1 |
Vision and mission |
2 |
6.1.1 |
Achivements which leed to instituional excellence |
3 |
6.1.2 |
Orgonogram of the college management |
4 |
6.1.2 |
Perspective plan |
5 |
6.2.1 A |
Organogram |
6 |
6.2.1 B |
Strategic plan |
7 |
6.2.1 C |
College Council Meetings 2023-2024 |
8 |
6.4.1 |
Resource Mobilization policy |
9 |
6.4.1 |
Procedure for optimal resource utilization |
10 |
6.4.2 |
Aduit Report |
11 |
6.5.1 |
Web link |
Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices |
Sr. No. |
Metric No. |
Name of the Document |
1 |
7.1.2 |
Annual gender sensitization action plan |
2 |
7.1.2 A |
Annual gender sensitization action planr |
3 |
7.1.2 B |
Specific facilities photos |
4 |
7.1.3 |
Photos |
5 |
7.1.4 B |
Geotag photos |
6 |
7.1.4 |
Relevant documents like agreements MoU |
7 |
7.1.5 |
Geotag photos |
8 |
7.1.6 |
Geotag photos |
9 |
7.1.8 |
Academics Activities |
10 |
7.2.1 |
Reaching to the Unreach |
11 |
7.3.1 A |
Institutinal social Responsibility data |
12 |
7.3.1 B |
Any Other |
Key Indicator – 8.1 – B 1 Medical College |
1 |
8.1.2 [1] |
Document Pertaining to Quaility of care & patient safety practices |
2 |
8.1.2 [2] |
Any Other Relevent Infomation Patient Saftey |
3 |
8.1.4 [1] |
Report on the List & Steps Taken by the College |
4 |
8.1.4 [2] |
Geotagged Photographs of the OSC - OSPE |
5 |
8.1.5 [1] |
National.State level policies on organ transplantation 2023-24 |
6 |
8.1.5 |
Report of Activity Organ Transplantation |
7 |
8.1.5 [3] |
Any Other Hospital Data for Organ Transplantation for the Year 2023 - 2024 |
8 |
8.1.6 [3] |
Record maintenance Vaccination 2023-2024 |
9 |
8.1.6. [1] |
Report on the Functioning of the Immunization Clinic |
10 |
8.1.6.[2] |
Report on the Teaching sessions carrried out on the Immunization Clinic |
11 |
8.1.7. [1] |
Medical Graduate Attributes as Described in the Website of the College |
12 |
8.1.8 [1] |
List of Seminars Conference Workshops on Emerging Trends in MET |
13 |
8.1.8 [2] |
Year Wise List of Teachers Who Participate in the Seminar Confernce |
14 |
8.1.11 [1] |
Indemnity insurance 2022-2023 |
15 |
8.1.11 [2] |
List of Clinical Faculty Covered by Indeminty Insurence |
16 |
8.1.11[3] |
any other relevanat document |