M.B.B.S. - 100 Seats (AY 2004-05 To AY 2011 -12)

Content title Issuing Authority Letter No. & Date
NOC MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/ 102/ 636/ 2000
Dated: 28.04.2000
Essentiality Certificate Govt. of Maharashtra No. MED-1399/ CR-113/ EDU-1
Dated: 15.09.2001
Letter of Intent (LOI) Govt. of India No. U.12012/ 37/ 2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 30.09.2002
Letter of Permission (LOP) Govt. of India No. U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 25.09.2003
Government Resolution (GR) Govt. of Maharashtra No. MED-1399/CR-113/99/EDU-1
Dated: 29.09.2003
Letter of Permission (LOP) Govt. of India No. U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 22.06.2004
Government Resolution (GR) Govt. of Maharashtra No. MED-1399/CR-113/99/EDU-1
Dated: 01.07.2004
Grant of First Affiliation MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/76/234/3233
Dated: 02.08.2004
Continuation & Extension of Affiliation (2005-06) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/76/1305/54/1993
Dated: 01.06.2005
Renewal of Permission
(2nd Batch 2005-06)
Govt. of India U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 01.07.2005
Continuation & Extension of Affiliation (2006-07) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/1305/136/2796/2006
Dated: 15.06.2006
Renewal of Permission
(3rd Batch 2006-07)
Govt. of India U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 22.06.2006
Renewal of Permission
(4th Batch 2007-08)
Govt. of India U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 13.07.2007
Continuation & Extension of Affiliation (2007-08) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/1305/120/3701/2007
Dated: 17.08.2007
Renewal of Permission
(5th Batch 2008-09)
Govt. of India U.12012/37/2001-ME(P-II)
Dated: 27.06.2008
Continuation & Extension of Affiliation (2008-09) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/1305/57/2685/2008
Dated: 04.09.2008
Grant of Recognition College & MBBS Course Medical Council of India No. MCI-34(41)/Med./2009/5551
Dated: 01.05.2009
The Gazette of India stating Recognition of College & Degree Govt. of India No. 28 New Delhi, JULY5-JULY 11, 2009 SATURDAY/ASADHA 14- ASADHA 20, 1931 PART II-Section 3 -Sub-section (II)
Continuation of Affiliation
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1(UG)/ 1305/2115/2009
Dated: 28.07.2009
Continuation of Affiliation
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1(UG)/1305/2090/2010
Dated: 09.07.2010
Continuation of Affiliation
MUHS, Nashik No.MUHS/E-1/UG/07325/1305/2132/2011
Dated: 22.06.2011
Continuation of Affiliation
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1(UG)/ /2015/2012
Dated: 28.05.2012
Continuance of Recognition
Medical Council of India No. MCI-34(41)/2015-Med./Mah/109081
Dated 27.05.2015.

M.B.B.S. - 150 Seats (AY 2012-13 Onwards)

Content title Issuing Authority Letter No. & Date
Essentiality Certificate Govt. of Maharashtra No. MED 1010/CR-358/10/EDU-2
Dated: 14.02.2011
Consent of provisional Affiliation MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/UG/Medical/635/ 2011
Dated: 23/08/2011
Letter of Permission (LOP) Medical Council of India MCI-No. 37(1)/2012-Med/115172
Dated: 30.06.2012
Government Resolution (GR) Govt. of Maharashtra No MED 1010/CR-358/10/EDU-2
Dated: 05.07.2012
Grant of Permission (GOP) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/UG/Medical/526/2012
Dated: 12.07.2012
Renewal of Permission for admission of 2nd Batch
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-37(1)/2013-Med/3182
Dated: 20.04.2013
Continuation /Extension of Affiliation (2013-14)MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/E-1/UG/1305/2171/2013
Dated: 30.05.2013
Continuation /Extension of Affiliation (2014-15)MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/E-1/UG/1305/2955/2014
Dated: 25.06.2014
Renewal of Permission for admission of 3rd Batch
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/465/2014-ME(P-II)
Dated: 04.07.2014
Renewal of Permission for admission of 4th Batch
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/79/2015-ME(PII)
Dated: 16.04.2015
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2015-16)MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/E-1/UG/1305/34/2639/2015,
Dated: 14.07.2015
Renewal of Permission for admission of 5th Batch
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/670/2015-ME.I,
Dated: 15.12.2015
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2016-17)MUHS, NashikMUHS / E-1/UG/39/1305/5695/2016 ,
Dated: 10/08/2016
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2017-18)MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/E-1/UG/1305/883/2017, ,
Dated: 16/03/2017
Recom. for Recognition against increased seats MCI, New DelhiNo. MCI-37(1)(Recog - 17)(UG)/2017-Med./100807,
Dated: 07/04/2017
Recognition against Increased IntakeGovt. of India, New Delhi.No. U.12012/224/2015-ME.I(FTS 3101873),
Dated 05/05/2017
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2018-19)MUHS, Nashik.No. MUHS/UG/E-1/39/1305/2648/2018,
Dated: 10/07/2018
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2019-20)MUHS, Nashik.No. MUHS/E-1/UG/39/1305/538/2019,
Dated: 02/02/2019
Continuation/ Extension of Affiliation (2020-21)MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/E-1/UG/39/1305/1473/2020
Dated: 18/08/2020

M. B. B. S. – 200 Seats (AY 2021-22 Onwards)

Content title Issuing Authority Letter No. & Date
1 Letter of Permission (LOP) Increased MBBS seats from 150 to 200 NMC, New Delhi No. NMC/UGI/2020/000122/042932 Dated:01/12/2021

PG COURSES – 29 Seats

Department wise seats Click here.......
Content titleIssuing AuthorityLetter No. & Date
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MS Anatomy
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med.60560
Dated: 01.02.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Physiology
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med.79819
Dated: 23.03.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Pharmacology
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med.63053
Dated: 07.02.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Pathology
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med.81798
Dated: 29.03.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Gen. Medicine
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med.66222
Dated: 13.02.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Paediatrics & DCH
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 71662
Dated: 28.02.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MS Gen. Surgery
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 72605
Dated: 03.03.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MS Orthopaedics
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 72609
Dated: 03.03.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 71394
Dated: 27.02.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Anaesthesia
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 72601
Dated: 03.03.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Radio-Diagnosis
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-96(22)/2010-Med. 67056
Dated: 16.02.2011
Government Resolution (GR) Govt. of Maharashtra No. PGM – 1010 /CR-27/10/ EDU-2
Dated: 18.03.2011 (for 10 subject)
Government Resolution (GR)Govt. of Maharashtra No. PGM – 1010 /CR-27/10/ EDU-2
Dated: 13.04.2011 (for 02 subject)
Correction of Intake capacity in the subject of MS Ortho MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/265/2011
Dated: 04.05.2011
Grant of Permission
MD Physiology
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/263/2011
Dated: 03.05.11
Grant of Permission
MD Pharmac, Radio
& MS General Surgery
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/158/2011
Dated: 13.04.2011
Grant of Permission
MD Pathology
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/227/2011
Dated: 26.04.11
Grant of Permission
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/207/2011
Dated: 21.04.2011
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Microbiology
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med. /101322
Dated: 26.03.2012
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MD Community Medicine
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med. /100462
Dated: 16.04.2012
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MS Ophthalmology
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med. /101503
Dated: 28.03.2012
Government Resolution
MD Micro, PSM & MS Ophthal
Govt. of Maharashtra No. PGM – 1010 /CR-27/10/ EDU-2
Dated: 05.05.12
Grant of Permission
MD Micro, PSM & MS Ophthal
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/358/2012
Dated: 12.05.2012
Continuation & Extension of Affiliation 2012-13 MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PG/E-1/1305/1222/ 12
Dated: 30.05.2012
Letter of Permission (LOP)
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med/197620
Dated: 28.03.2013
Government Resolution (GR)
Govt. of Maharashtra No. PGM 1013/CR. 96/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
Grant of Permission (GOP)
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/333/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake
MD Gen. Medicine-02 to 03
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med/167579
Dated: 28.03.2013
GR- Increase in Intake
MD Gen. Medicine-02 to 03
Govt. of MaharashtraNo. Med 1013/CR 97/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
GOP- Increase in Intake
MD Gen. Medicine-02 to 03
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/332/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics-01 to 02
MCI, New DelhiNo. MCI-46(22)/2011-Med/167630
Dated: 28.03.2013
GR -Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics-01 to 02
Govt. of Maharashtra No. Med 1013/CR 97/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
GOP- Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics-01 to 02
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/332/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake
MS Gen. Surgery-02 to 03
MCI, New DelhiNo. MCI-46(22)/2012-Med/167635
Dated: 28.03.2013
GR- Increase in Intake
MS Gen. Surgery-02 to 03
Govt. of Maharashtra No. Med 1013/CR 97/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
GOP- Increase in Intake
MS Gen. Surgery- 02 to 03
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/332/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake
MS Obst. & Gyn. - 02 to 03
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46(22)(22)/2012-Med/103990
Dated: 11.02.2013
GR- Increase in Intake
MS Obst. & Gyn. -02 to 03
Govt. of Maharashtra No. Med 1013/CR 97/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
GOP- Increase in Intake
MS Obst. & Gyn.-02 to 03
MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/332/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake
MD Anaesthesia-02 to 04
MCI, New Delhi No. MCI-46 (22)/2011-Med/167655
Dated: 28.03.2013
GR- Increase in Intake
MD Anaesthesia-02 to 04
Govt. of Maharashtra No. Med 1013/CR 97/13/Education-2
Dated: 25.04.2013
GOP -Increase in Intake MD Anaesthesia-02 to 04 MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/332/2013
Dated: 15.05.2013
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation for AY 2013-14 MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PG/E-1/1305/1366/2013
Dated: 28.05.2013
LOP- Increase in Intake MD Radiodiagnosis-02 to 04 Govt. of India No. U.12012/180/2014-ME- (P-II)
Dated: 15.04.2014
GR- Increase in Intake MD Radiodiagnosis -02 to 04Govt. of MaharashtraNo. Med 1014/PR212/14/Education-2
Dated: 30.05.2014
GOP -Increase in Intake MD Radiodiagnosis -02 to 04MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/548/2014
Dated: 04.06.2014
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation for AY 2014-15MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/PG/E-1/1305/FL26/1668/2014
Dated: 26.06.2014
LOP- Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics -02 to 03
MS Gen. Surgery -03 to 04
MS Orthopaedics-01 to 02
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/1037/2014-ME(P.II)
Dated: 27.02.2015
GR- Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics -02 to 03
MS Gen. Surgery -03 to 04
MS Orthopaedics-01 to 02
Govt. of MaharashtraNo. Med 1015/PR118/15/Education-2
Dated: 07.05.2015
GOP -Increase in Intake
MD Paediatrics -02 to 03
MS General Surgery – 03 to 04
MS Orthopaedics – 01 to 02
MUHS, NashikNo. MUHS/PB/PG/Med/520/2015
Dated: 01.06.2015
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation for year 2015-16 MUHS, Nashik MUHS / PG/E-1/1305/FL 26/2724
Dated: 15.07.2015
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation for year -2016-2017 MUHS, Nashik MUHS/PG/E-1/1305/FL-26-1058/2016
Dated: 26.04.2016
Continuation /Extension of Affiliation (2017-18) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PG/E-1/1305/FL26/735/2017
Dated: 16.03.2017
Continuation /Extension of Affiliation (2018-19) MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/PG/E-1/FL26/1305/1504/2018
Dated: 06.04.2018
Continuation / Extension of Affiliation (2019-20)MUHS, Nashik No. MUHS/E-1/PG/39/1305/563/2019
Dated: 02.02.2019


Course & year of RecognitionIssuing AuthorityGoI Notification No. & Date
MD Pharmacology
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MD Pathology
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/672/2015-ME.I
Dated: 27/11/2015
MD Community Medicine
(On or after 2015)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/736/2015-ME.I
Dated: 15/12/2015
MD General Medicine
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MD Paediatrics
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
(On or after 2015)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/736/2015-ME.I
Dated: 15/12/2015
MS General Surgery
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MS Orthopaedics
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MS Ophthalmology
(On or after 2015)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/672/2015-ME.I
Dated: 27/11/2015
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MD Anaesthesiology
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
MD Radio-diagnosis
(On or after 2014)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/482/2015-ME(P.II)
Dated: 04/08/2015
(On or after 2013)
Govt. of IndiaNo. U.12012/828/2014-ME(P.II)
Dated: 22/10/2014

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